Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sorry no posts lately!

Hello friends!  Sorry there's been no posts lately - I've been busy writing a book!  I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Keep yourself in a calm oasis

When we develop, sounds and colours become more important to us.    What does this mean?  It means we are growing and learning and advancing so that is a good thing.

But, when we start to notice these things, it is a bit like suddenly seeing the dust in the corner - if it's your home you can clean the dust away, but if it is someone elses home you can't, can you?

I know now why I am drawn to certain colours at this stage in my development, and I have control over the sounds in my home but it can be very noisy in the workplace, and I can't control that.  But, I can pray for the negative people and I can keep my own work space calm and serene and so can you.

In order to deal with any chaotic forces around you, place yourself in a bubble of protective light each morning.  Then you can watch the pantomime going on around you and stay serene and calm in your bubble oasis.  Send out light and love to the people hurtling around you and hope that sometimes they pause long enough to absorb it.


Friday, August 20, 2010


"You're too sensitive"
"You can't save the whole world"
"They just think differently to you"

How often have we heard these things, those of us who are sensitive?

Being sensitive is not a bad thing, providing we don't let it drag us down too far and upset us too much.  Use your protective white light, golden bubble or whatever protection you use, but remember that compassion for other people and other creatures is a GOOD thing.

People who are inured to cruelty are not wise.  They have let the world de-sensitize them and that's not good.

Getting upset when we see something cruel is our soul's way of telling us that this thing is wrong.  It should lead us to action of some kind - helping the person or animal or situation whenever we can.  We should not walk by on the other side of the road, but we must also know our limitations.

If you physically can't help, get someone who can, and if there is no-one then immediately give the situation to God.  Talk to the mountain, whatever the mountain is, and give the situation to God.  Angels are always available to assist us.

Being kind, being sensitive, being compassionate - these are good things.  But we must not expect other people to feel as we do.  You are an individual and if you are sensitive, it is a blessing.

If you are sensitive to other peoples unkind words, often offered in jest, then avoid these people when you can and when you remember to protect yourself each morning these barbs will not hurt so much and eventually will just flow away from you.  Mentally pray for any unkind people around you.  And remember, you do not have to sit quietly and allow people to verbally bully you - you do have options - pray for guidance on what actions you should take.

Hold your head up: you are a child of God.  He will help you to deal with any situations that may arise. 

You are NOT alone.

Why am I different?

Roses among the thorns

"Why am I different?"
I heard a child ask
"Why can't I be like my friends?"
"Why do I see things that they can't see?"
"Why can't they hear what I hear?"

"It's because you're special"
I heard the mother say
"You are special and sensitive dear, and that's why you see things that others can't see
And that's why, when they don't, you hear"
"But why can't I be like the others?"
The child asked
Her eyes filled with tears and she cried

"You are blessed with more feeling
You are blessed with more sight
And sometimes you are blessed, my dear child, from above
You are special, my child, and your heart is filled up
With more love"

I just had to help her and so I said
"Remember, dear child, when days feel dark
That people don't like us sometimes, when we are different
But don't be upset
You will learn to adjust and adapt"

"Don't ever regret that you are different, dear child
And when you are older you will find
These gifts are so helpful
If you use them with love
And as you grow older and wiser
You really will be pleased, so pleased with these gifts from above"

The child and the mother smiled at me
And we walked around the lake together
Because we knew that, although we are different
We are not alone.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Miraculous Nature

Kent, UK 2009

Visualize a window, a candle on the window sill - lit.  It's dark outside, the house is in the countryside.  See the sun coming up outside and spreading its light over the land in front of the house; gradually reaching the house itself and enveloping it in light.  A happy scene, a sense of hope, of healing, of opportunities opening up.  It's good. 

The inside of the house is still quite dark, although darkness is receding.  The occupants of the house are unaware of the golden light streaming towards and over their home.  They know that the sun comes up every morning, but they don't witness the magnificence of sunrise or sunset.  They accept the sun rises, they accept the sun sets.

Sometimes we take the miraculous for granted, and sometimes we see nature for what it is - magnificent!  Remember this today, remember that each night the sun sets and each morning the sun rises and KNOW what opportunities each new day brings - embrace the day and the opportunities presented.  This day is yours to do with as you will.  Life is precious, live each moment and don't ignore the miracles going on all around you - be aware.  Be appreciative.  Be loving and patient and kind.  Be you.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Spiritual Growth

Allow yourself to grow - spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  Be prepared for shifts in focus.  Be aware of others changing attitudes towards you - good and bad.  Don't take on other people's problems - that's theirs to deal with themselves.  Just be aware of how your developing spirituality affects other people.  Let other people grow and find their own way; they are on their own path - you can't fix everyone's problems.  Your path should head upwards towards brighter things and you will then find increasing harmony in every area of your life.

With spiritual maturity comes discernment - exercise it.  Some people will want to sap your spiritual light from you; do not allow this.  Lovingly point them in the right direction to find their own light and then move on.  Being spiritually developed does not mean you're there to be used.  Protect yourself, help others, but don't take their problems into yourself.  Release other people's vibrations from you after meeting with them; drink water, spiritually cleanse yourself and the place where you met and then move on.

You need to develop wisdom in all areas; ask your angels of light to help you whenever you need it.  Be happy.  Be peaceful.  Know that you are loved.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Photo by Angie Q (c) UK 2009

Love yourself first.  Don't see others through rose-coloured spectacles, but as they are - their true selves, often fighting against each other, often causing conflict.  They don't know who they are.  Most don't know about the light and consciously only wallow in the energies created by unillumined souls.  Pray for them to see their light so that they can push their heads above the fog and maelstrom of earthly emotions; push up to the light that illuminates everything and shows us the truth of what's real.

There are smoke screens here on earth and light above.  Shine your light to help others find their way.  Be a flashlight and shine your light wisely.  Some will not like the light being shone on them - the light reveals darkness and error - bless them and move on.  Some will be attracted to the light - help them to find their own light. 

As you go on your spiritual journey you will find that new friends will appear, people who also have the light and you will learn from each other.  Don't worry about the people who don't want the light - they choose their own path just as you have chosen yours.  We all have free will, absolutely, and we make our own choices.  Be patient, be loving and kind and respect yourself.  Do not sacrifice yourself for another - there is no need.  Other people must work out their problems for themselves, just point them in the direction of the light and allow them to empower themselves.

God be with you.