Sunday, July 4, 2010

Spiritual Growth

Allow yourself to grow - spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  Be prepared for shifts in focus.  Be aware of others changing attitudes towards you - good and bad.  Don't take on other people's problems - that's theirs to deal with themselves.  Just be aware of how your developing spirituality affects other people.  Let other people grow and find their own way; they are on their own path - you can't fix everyone's problems.  Your path should head upwards towards brighter things and you will then find increasing harmony in every area of your life.

With spiritual maturity comes discernment - exercise it.  Some people will want to sap your spiritual light from you; do not allow this.  Lovingly point them in the right direction to find their own light and then move on.  Being spiritually developed does not mean you're there to be used.  Protect yourself, help others, but don't take their problems into yourself.  Release other people's vibrations from you after meeting with them; drink water, spiritually cleanse yourself and the place where you met and then move on.

You need to develop wisdom in all areas; ask your angels of light to help you whenever you need it.  Be happy.  Be peaceful.  Know that you are loved.

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