Sunday, June 13, 2010


How much silence is there in your life?  We are bombarded by noise: TV, radio, computer, vehicles, people talking, talking.  If you don't have silence in your life on a regular basis then how can you hear from your higher self or Source?  Constant distractions pull at us: family, work, tasks to do.  Sometimes to get silence and some peace, we have to get in the car and drive into the country or take a walk around a lake.

I always feel closer to Source when I'm outside in nature.  I can feel His presence there with me.  At these times you can open yourself up to Source while you walk and you'll have communication without a standard meditation.  You may be impressed with solutions that you've been trying to find and there they are!  In the quiet, without the talk, ideas will come to you on a number of subjects.  It can be hard for your higher self to be heard above the noise of everyday life, but in the quiet, silent times, your higher self can get through much more easily.

We have all knowledge and wisdom available to us if we only listen and open ourselves up to receive it.  On closing, thank Source and cover yourself with light again and go about your walk, enjoy the scenery, the animals, the trees and all of nature.  You will feel that you are truly a part of it all.  We are partners on this earth and should work together as such.

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