Sunday, May 30, 2010

Make your mind quiet - meditation and life

Our minds are constantly running, like wind-up toys.  We need to make our minds quiet when we're going into meditation.  You need to raise your consciousness to a higher level so that meditation fulfills its purpose.  Some people burn incense and play uplifting music before they begin meditations and this can certainly help.  When your mind is quiet, lift yourself up to the higher realms and seek upwards with your mind.  Source dwells in higher realms and divine wisdom is available for those able to receive it. 

We tend to complicate things, but if we aim for simplicity in our lives things will become much clearer.  Don't over complicate your life: less is more.  We should not fill every waking hour with tasks, we need quiet time each day.  Aim for a simpler life and you'll find that you're happier.  Choose.  The choice is yours: simple or cluttered: harmonious or restless: peace or frantic activity.

Even in the midst of a crisis we can act with calm assurance when we are centered, know who we are, and trust Source.  He will know what actions are needed in times of crisis and take the necessary steps to deal with it.  Quietly overcoming: no big scenes.  Fulfillment, peace, and joy await us.  Head towards peace, step by step, knowing that divine spirit is with you each step of the way.  Then you'll create a calm oasis wherever you are.  Let others run around in circles while you keep heading in the direction you want to go.

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