Sunday, May 30, 2010

Make your mind quiet - meditation and life

Our minds are constantly running, like wind-up toys.  We need to make our minds quiet when we're going into meditation.  You need to raise your consciousness to a higher level so that meditation fulfills its purpose.  Some people burn incense and play uplifting music before they begin meditations and this can certainly help.  When your mind is quiet, lift yourself up to the higher realms and seek upwards with your mind.  Source dwells in higher realms and divine wisdom is available for those able to receive it. 

We tend to complicate things, but if we aim for simplicity in our lives things will become much clearer.  Don't over complicate your life: less is more.  We should not fill every waking hour with tasks, we need quiet time each day.  Aim for a simpler life and you'll find that you're happier.  Choose.  The choice is yours: simple or cluttered: harmonious or restless: peace or frantic activity.

Even in the midst of a crisis we can act with calm assurance when we are centered, know who we are, and trust Source.  He will know what actions are needed in times of crisis and take the necessary steps to deal with it.  Quietly overcoming: no big scenes.  Fulfillment, peace, and joy await us.  Head towards peace, step by step, knowing that divine spirit is with you each step of the way.  Then you'll create a calm oasis wherever you are.  Let others run around in circles while you keep heading in the direction you want to go.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Photo by Angie Q. England 2009

When dark times come, take your problems to the divine healing light of Source.  He knows how you are suffering and He understands what you've been through.  Know this: It is not His will that you suffer.  Ask for His help to overcome obstacles.  Depression can descend like a dark blanket, blocking out the light.  It's because the earth's atmosphere has become so dense that it's hard for the light to get through.  When you're sensitive to spirit you'll find you're sensitive to darkness and this will affect you.  This must be the signal to seek the light.  Don't let yourself sink into the dark pit of depression - ask your angels of light to throw you a rope and they will pull you out of that pit.  Better still, ensure each morning you do your protection exercise and that will stop the darkness from getting to you.

Certain seasons of the year are darker than others, both because the days are shorter and because dark energies inhabit the atmosphere and are more prevalent at that time.  Do not allow fear anywhere near you, your home or your loved ones.  Remember the protection exercise will deter darkness.  Be vigilent and keep your home covered with light.  Source is good.  Ask for angels of light to protect you, your pets, family, vehicles and gardens at all times.  Angels are mighty warriors and are able to do tasks that we set them.  How wonderful!

Bullies cannot exist when light is shone on them and people stand up to them and it's the same with dark energies.  When the darkness tries to envelop you, stand up to it and flood it with light and it will leave.  I sometimes use my sword of light to slice through the darkness too.  Remember: Don't give the darkness credence by paying attention to it.  Focus on the light.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Listening is a lost art.  How many people really hear what is said?  Cultivate the art of listening, not just to the words, but to the thoughts behind the words, and as you develop this skill you will find many people will seek you out to talk to you.  Some of them, most of them probably, will use you as a sounding board, not interested in hearing your response but just talking at you.  Let them talk, it will help them to heal.  A few rare people will want you to participate in a conversation and will be interested in what you have to say.  These are people to be treasured and you can learn from each other. Two-way communication is very precious.

The people who talk, and talk, and never listen are not people to cultivate as friends because they will drain your energy.  Give them limited amounts of your time to listen to them.  What are they really saying?

Notice me!
I'm important!
I know everything!
I have a lot of important things to say, so you shut up and listen!

These people are either very young souls who don't know any better, and/or may be insecure people who have to talk, often loudly, to reassure themselves that they are important.  Listen, ascertain the problem, and lift them up to the light and ask for divine healing for them.  You will have increasing insights into peoples' behaviour and will learn a lot and they will receive healing.

A truly wise person does not waste time with a lot of talk, but chooses his words wisely and when he speaks, pearls of wisdom are the result.  These are the people to cultive as friends - seek and you will find.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Meditation Tools

The rosary: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." 

What spiritual tool do you use for meditation?  You need to find the best one for you.  Some people visualize divine white light coming down and themselves going up in the white light; some people chant a mantra or the rosary. 

As you become more spiritually developed you'll find what's best for you and it may change over the years as you enter spiritual halls of learning and obtain knowledge and healing.  Trust your instincts and listen to your inner promptings.  Help is available from higher sources for all aspects of your life, including meditation.  Ask your Guardian Angel to guide you in the best meditations for you.  We are all different and what works for one person may not work for another.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The importance of meditation

Clear your mind of debris once a day and sit in the presence of Source.  For some, the best time will be in the morning and for others, the evening.  Our minds become cluttered with thoughts, worries, tasks and goals.  Meditation helps your mind to be healthy and your whole body benefits from this.  Meditation will help you to focus more clearly on your goals and any time spent with Source is time well spent.  If you can discipline yourself to do this daily then you'll find you are impressed with wonderful ideas and solutions to problems.  You'll find solutions will come far more easily as your mind is tuned to a higher vibration and your higher self is communicating with Source and higher energies.  You'll get little internal nudges to take certain actions and you'll find if you follow them that, step by step, you'll achieve your goal.

There is no problem that is new or difficult to Source.  When you asked for assistance is not the first time Source knew you needed help.  But we have free will and help will only come if we ask for it.  Be specific and don't offer solutions; Source has all the solutions possible.  Angels will be assigned to assist you and don't forget to watch your words!  If you say the opposite to what you want the angels have to obey and work according to your words.  Our words are very important.

Do what you can and leave the rest to Source.  Duty is necessary, but schedule time for yourself to take a walk in nature, or spend time in a beautiful garden.  Nature is very important and you'll feel refreshed after spending time outdoors.  Lift your thoughts up while you're with nature and you'll sense divine energy with you.  Source loves a garden and all of nature.

Friday, May 7, 2010


What are your surroundings?  Do you know that our spirit and emotional states are deeply affected by our surroundings?  Do not force yourself to live or work somewhere that you don't want to be, that can cause internal strife and can cause physical health and mental/emotional problems.

If you love nature, make sure you see nature each day.  Plant your garden with the trees and flowers that you love so that it uplifts you when you see it.  If you don't have your own garden, is there a park nearby where you can walk?  Notice how you feel inside in different places.  Are you happier in a garden, or in a library?  Are you happier walking or driving?  Your instincts will tell you - listen to them and create the perfect home and work environment for yourself.  Everyone is different.  Do you love animals?  If so, do you have a pet?  Pets need attention and love but they give a lot of love in return.  When you're living in a place that feeds your soul, you will find that you're happier, healthier and more alert.  You don't have as much control over your work environment, unless you're self employed,  but either way you can make your own workspace uplifting.  Visualize it filled with white light and have things that uplift you in that space such as different coloured crystals, plants, and pictures of loved ones.

If you do not like going to work, ask yourself why.  Are you following your passion?  Follow your heart and ask for divine guidance to lead the way so that you can earn your living doing what you love to do, then follow the inner promptings that will lead you, step by step, to a fulfilling life.  Source knows and sees everything.  We can only see a small piece.  Ask and wait for the response and it will come.

You have the power to change your life.  Focus on what you want, not on what you don't want.  Let go of the fear and trust Source - He has the answers.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Faith and Protection

Faith is believing in something without any rational reason to do so.  This may be true at the start, but with faith in God/Higher Source and your angels of light, you begin to trust them and that trust increases your faith.  If you have faith in Source you will build a relationship with Him.  Each time you give a situation to Higher Source/angels of light and the situation works out well for you, maybe not always the result you wanted but what was really for the best, you build on that foundation of trust.  If you had a friend who always let you down, you wouldn't trust that person and over time they'd probably cease to be your friend.  Higher Source only wants things for your good and can see much further than we can and can see the whole picture.

In times of danger, I know absolutely that I can trust God/Source with my protection.  I put on my spiritual armour and go forward.  We are all unique and have all had different experiences, both in this life and previous incarnations.  We all act differently in situations and that makes us who we are.

Each morning I protect myself, my home, my pets and my vehicle.  Firstly I ask Archangel Michael to use his divine healing magnet to remove any negative energies that may be in, on or around me, my home and my pets.  Then I visualize myself putting on purple light, all around me, then gold light all around me, then I ask Archangel Gabriel to place a ball of reflective white light right around me.  This all takes just a few minutes.

Make your peace with God/Source, whoever you perceive Him/Her to be, and, if you haven't already, start to develop a personal relationship with Source.  Source loves you and is not waiting for you to go to Him so He can punish you!  True repentence receives forgiveness and don't forget to forgive people who have hurt you.  This is the beginning of finding your true power.  True strength loves and is kind.  True power and strength is compassionate and is never cruel or bullying.  Source is Love and is all-powerful - beware of imitations.