Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Photo by Angie Q. England 2009

When dark times come, take your problems to the divine healing light of Source.  He knows how you are suffering and He understands what you've been through.  Know this: It is not His will that you suffer.  Ask for His help to overcome obstacles.  Depression can descend like a dark blanket, blocking out the light.  It's because the earth's atmosphere has become so dense that it's hard for the light to get through.  When you're sensitive to spirit you'll find you're sensitive to darkness and this will affect you.  This must be the signal to seek the light.  Don't let yourself sink into the dark pit of depression - ask your angels of light to throw you a rope and they will pull you out of that pit.  Better still, ensure each morning you do your protection exercise and that will stop the darkness from getting to you.

Certain seasons of the year are darker than others, both because the days are shorter and because dark energies inhabit the atmosphere and are more prevalent at that time.  Do not allow fear anywhere near you, your home or your loved ones.  Remember the protection exercise will deter darkness.  Be vigilent and keep your home covered with light.  Source is good.  Ask for angels of light to protect you, your pets, family, vehicles and gardens at all times.  Angels are mighty warriors and are able to do tasks that we set them.  How wonderful!

Bullies cannot exist when light is shone on them and people stand up to them and it's the same with dark energies.  When the darkness tries to envelop you, stand up to it and flood it with light and it will leave.  I sometimes use my sword of light to slice through the darkness too.  Remember: Don't give the darkness credence by paying attention to it.  Focus on the light.

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