Monday, April 26, 2010

Love and Kindness

Love changes everything.  It adds warmth in a cold place, and it puts a smile on a sad situation.  True love, high and pure, is majestic in nature.  It shines benevolence and light over everything.  Love is kind and kindness is very important.  How often have harsh, negative words pierced your soul?  If there had been kindness, those words would not have been spoken.  Maybe you have responded with unkind words of your own - we can change our reactions to people, it just takes intention and faith to do so.

When people's actions do not match their words you know that person is not to be trusted.  'I love you' can be easily spoken.  Is that person there for you when you need them?  God/Source is always there and is always love.  It is not for us to judge another, but we must exercise caution in our business dealings and our private lives and must not allow someone we don't trust to influence us.  We need to develop wisdom and discernment in this world, while all the time loving.  This is something that requires understanding and patience!  Ask for divine help and you will receive it.  Trust your intuition.  There are a lot of fools pretending to be wise.  Exercise discernment in all things.  There are a lot of people who the world thinks are fools, but who are actually very wise.  Don't take things at face value.  Look for the true heart of the person or situation.  Sometimes we have to turn our brains off to do this!

Go deep within yourself and look deeply into the situation/person and you will see the truth of the matter.  Be prepared for some surprises when you do this.  Try not to be disappointed in people.  We are not perfect and should not expect others to be perfect.  What we should expect and strive for, for ourselves, is honesty, truth, integrity and love.  We must go forward with these expectations of ourselves and when we find those qualities in others it is wonderful.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You are loved

The Lord is good.  Yet He loves you - YOU.  You can't be so bad, can you?  Not if the Lord loves you!  Know this - you are a child of God, made in His image and He created you.  How can you think He does not love you?  How can you think you are not loved?

You ARE loved.  God loves you.  What greater good could there be?  You are worthy to receive good things.  Forget past conditionings by unillumined souls - you are worthy.  God loves you.  He has great things in store for you if you will receive them.  Ask Him for them.  Ask for the good things He has stored up for you.  He longs to give them to you.  He longs for you to realize who you are.  You are a child of God.  Lift your head up above the earthly problems created by lower energies.  You can do anything - you just have to tap into higher sources of energy and you have to know who you are and what is available to you.

You need to have a conversation with Higher Source/God and/or Angels of Light/your higher self - have a two way conversation, don't just talk AT Him.  God did not create you to be downtrodden.  He created you to rule and reign and have dominion, lovingly and fairly.  Remember this as you go about your day and remember to hold your head up.  Ask and you shall receive.  I dare you!  Believe as you ask and be careful what you ask for!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Seasons of Life

Seasons are a  blessing to the earth.  Snow falls as a blessing to the earth.  Rain comes as a blessing to the earth.  Sunshine and blue skies are a blessing to the earth.  Autumnal colours, leaves falling from trees bless the trees and bless the earth.  Spring comes at just the right time, bringing blessings to the earth.

Happiness, joy, laughter, tears, sorrow are all seasons in your life.  All are blessings in different ways.  Our lives, the seasons of our lives, match the seasons of the earth.  These cycles of life exist in all areas, that is the natural order of things.  Change is necessary for many reasons.  Our lives change as seasons come and go and we learn from each season.

Never wish for life to be the same every day, you wouldn't like it.  We need change, just as the earth needs change.  The autumns of our lives are different from our springs and rightly so.  We should welcome each new year and never dread growing old.  Think how many things you have learnt in your life, good and  bad.  Don't dread change.  Sometimes we need to move and change our surroundings.  It's always sad to say goodbye and leave familiar people and places.  But, remember them with fondness, they'll always be with you in your heart.  A new home, a new town, a new country: These are things to be enjoyed and savoured as new experiences.  Don't be afraid of change, it's the natural cycle of things.

If you feel it's time to leave a place, a person, a job, a town, ask for confirmation from higher spiritual sources to ensure it's the right thing to do.  As you grow spiritually, you won't have to ask so much as you'll instinctively know if it's the right thing to do.  A new home today, is a cherished and familiar home in a year. 

We are all different in many ways and the same in so many other ways.  Life is an adventure if you let it be so.  Is it time for a career change?  Is it time for a new wardrobe?  Any change will affect you on many levels.  Is it time to let go of sorrow and allow yourself to be happy again?  Only you know the answers to these questions.  Life is full of mysteries, many of which we can solve ourselves.  Sometimes we need a little help.

So, when the snow falls,  don't dread it, look upon it as a signal of change.  A timeless, honourable cycle of events, bringing a time of rest and revival to nature and the earth, a time of replenishment before the heavy growth of spring.

Seasons signal change.  Don't waste your life longing for summer, or autumn, or spring.  Enjoy today's season and, if you need to change something in your life, have the courage to do it, accepting all of its consequences.  Don't be a stagnant pond, be a babbling brook, joyously laughing and flowing onto the next boulder in its path, and rushing over the obstacles in the stream.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Your Life's Purpose

You are loved.  God/Source in His infinite wisdom made you.  You are here for a purpose - do you know what that purpose is?

Ask for divine guidance as to what your purpose is in this life.  Your natural likes and desires will point the way and Source will confirm it if you ask.  Before we come into this life we have created a blueprint for ourselves.  Do you feel yourself pulled towards a certain career?  If the feeling is always there, it's probably what you're meant to do.  There may be obstacles in your path, stopping you from pursuing that career.

Ask for help from Source/angels of light to deal with or remove the obstacles.  Life is precious - don't waste it doing any old thing that comes along.  Focus on your goals and you will get there.

Love is important - you are also here to give and receive love.  Do you look at people who know absolutely what they want to do with their lives and wish you knew too?  Ask Source and keep asking until you hear the answer.  You may find people cross your path who say 'don't tell me, you're a nurse, right?' or whatever it is you want to be, when you know in your heart that you do want this.  Once you know what you want to do, ask Source for help to achieve your goal.  Source sees the whole picture and knows a lot of people!  He can help you.  Listen for the response.  If you can't hear it, ask Source/angels of light to show you in a way you can't miss and wait for the response - it will come.

Following your blueprint will give you a sense of purpose, satisfaction and achievement.  Don't just let the wind blow you this way and that.  With purpose you will find happiness in life.

Life can be very good and Source wants your life to be very good.  God/Source is love and He loves you.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Regrets for things we did that we shouldn't have done; regrets for things we didn't do that we should have done. Regrets are useful to learn lessons by, so that the next time we are faced with a similar situation we act differently. However, learn the lesson and move on. If you are genuinely sorry for what you did, or didn't, do, give the situation to Source and leave it there. Don't keep punishing yourself for it; just make sure that the next time you act differently.

If we're not careful, we can create a kind of hell in our lives, constantly punishing yourself does no good and can cause all sorts of health problems as well as spiritual ones.

Take your situation to Source and ask Him to forgive you, then refuse to let it back into your mind.

Quieten your mind and think of God/Higher Source. Remember that He loves you and wants you to be happy. Open yourself up to Source and He will flood your mind with love, joy, peace and abundance of all good things and spiritual love will be infused into your being. You and I are one with Source, with the universe and all life.

If you come across a situation where you want to help someone or something, and you're not in a position to do it, give the situation to Source. He'll either put you in a position to help or He'll get someone else to help. Prayer is very powerful. Solutions will come.

Keep looking up to the light - focus on the light.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Meditation Exercise

Visualize and say this: "I attract all good things to me like a magnet."

Visualization can be a powerful tool and you need one that resonates with you personally. One of my visualizations is a cross, as a sword, with a jewelled hilt up at my head and the sword reaching down to the floor in front of me. I use this sword to cut through problems and difficult situations and when I visualize it slicing through problems the solution comes to me. Visualizing a burning cross, or a regular wooden cross, in front of, above, below and to either side of you can provide good protection.

I believe protection should be carried out each morning, for our homes, our loved ones, our pets, our vehicles, our workplaces, and us. You'd be surprised at how many problems just don't happen when you protect yourself - but, of course, you won't know! Negative energies, although deserving of pity, do not deserve your time and energy. Some will be attracted to your light. Avoid interaction with them unless you are highly spiritually evolved. You'll find putting yourself in a protective bubble of divine white light will deter them; some will avoid you and some will be uncomfortable in your presence. Be polite, but do not invite these negative people into your home - most wouldn't be comfortable there anyway as if you are a light seeker your home will be on a higher vibration. Visualize them covered in white light, pray for them to be lifted up and leave Higher Sources to help them.

Focus on goodness and love and light and be aware that some may try to draw you downwards to their level - as you develop spiritually you will be able to discern others intentions. Some are even spiritually aware but are not seekers of the light. Use your best judgement and don't worry about these things - take concerns up to Higher Source and ask for guidance and trust that you will be protected when you've asked Higher Source to protect you.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Love and Light

Love and light - these two go together. How can there be light where there is no love? How can there be love where there is no light? Source is love and light.

Love comes in many forms - the pure light and love that comes from a pet, a mother, the divine; the affectionate love that comes from a true friend; the passionate love of a lover and partner in life. These are precious and fill us with purpose and a reason for living.

Extend that love to your garden and see how the flowers and trees respond -they need love and light like all of us and are a part of the natural order of the world. They are partners with us, with the earth, the water and the air, all working together to bring harmony, like pieces in a clock. All the pieces are important and when one piece is broken it affects the whole clock.

So it is with nature; polluted water affects the earth, the trees, the oxygen in the atmosphere, people and animals and insects. The whole cycle is affected.

So love and light are important weopons in our spiritual arsenal; never under-estimate their power. Ask for divine guidance on when where and how to use these tools. You can be extremely effective using love and light - they are very powerful tools.
Search for diana cooper

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Be Kind and Loving

All the creatures on earth know that Source made them. It was His will that they be created. It was His will that we have dominion. To have dominion does not mean to trample underfoot, or to abuse or use. We were meant to rule for the good of all - each and every creature. We are all interconnected and harming one person or animal harms us all. Our collective awareness has been diminished by cruelty, greed, lust and anger. We must raise it back up so that love runs like a current of electricity through the earth, the waters, and the air.

Once again, love WILL be predominant in the earth and our conscious awareness will be raised to such a level that it will be unthinkable to commit any unkind or cruel act. When we realize how powerful we are, who we are, and where we come from, we realize we do not need to exercise power over another person or animal, we do not need to dominate anyone or anything. What we need is to act in love, in kindness and in truth.

When we get to the core of our being we are nearer to Source. He is ever present. We are a part of Him. He loves all: We can and will love all. Raise the cosmic consciousness by raising your thoughts to a loving, harmonious and joyous pattern and these vibrations will lift the spiritual atmosphere everywhere you go. Work at this and you will have fulfilled a major purpose of your life. This will also affect your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health for the better and, as vibrations and atmospheres around you improve, miracles will happen.

Watch the results of this important spiritual task and thank Source for giving you the power to change things for good.

Communication with Source

Prayer and quiet, reflective, study of the word of God/Source - many inspirations can come this way.

Make sure you set some quiet time for yourself each day. Many find that mornings are best, before the distractions of the day begin. As you open yourself up to divine knowledge and power, keep an open mind and write down any revelations you may receive.

Before you meditate, try asking a question of Source and see if the answer comes. If not, go on with your meditation and ask the question again. Sometimes the answer is almost instant and sometimes it will take a few meditations. This is not because Source is unsure of the answer! It could be that you are not yet finely tuned enough to hear the answer, or it could be that Source knows you are not yet ready for the answer. Whatever you get, accept it; accept the first thing you get, even if you don't understand it. You'll learn to discern what's you and what's Source.

Our minds, cleansed with divine light and eager to learn divine knowledge are good places to receive and hold spiritual insight and a diary or notebook will help you to trace your progress along the spiritual path.

Always trust Source, asking for protection and for the highest and best only. Source made us so that we can communication with Him, other people, animals and the whole of nature. We are all one. Your outer life will change for the better as your spiritual self increases in knowledge and wisdom. Source looks forward to communication on a higher level with each one of us and patiently awaits our coming to Him. He loves us all. The creator of the universe; all powerful; all knowing; loves YOU! He gave us all free will and it is up to us what we do with it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Earth and Nature

Rivet, rivet, rivet. So goes the song of the frog. Do you know that God gave all his creatures voices and there was a time when nature lived in harmony with man and animals could talk to each other and to humans? We have come further and further from nature. We have disconnected ourselves from spirit, from the earth, from all creatures and nature - is this progress? No. We've been searching for knowledge in all the wrong places. True knowledge comes from within and from above. All the mysteries of the world are there waiting to be solved and all the time the answer is available from Higher Sources.

If you want the answers to the world's big questions, or the answer to your big questions, take the question up with you when you meditate and you will receive Divine knowledge on the matter. Source and His Angels give what you are ready to receive, when you are ready to receive it. The world was created out of love and it was intended that we live in harmony with each other and every creature. There was no lack, no wars, when the world was created.

By bringing ourselves back to God/Source, each one of us brings the world a litle closer to the day when love, peace and harmony will reign on this earth again. The deserts will again flower and bring forth springs and lakes of crystal clear, pure, water. Trees will reach up to the heavens and hold the earth together. Angels of light will walk the earth and interact with human beings and animals and there will be no more fear, no more killing of people or animals. The air will be pure and unpolluted and peoples' souls will be the same - pure and unpolluted. Love will be in the atmosphere of the earth.

Fruit and vegetables will be much bigger than you've seen and will provide pure sustenance for all. Mankind will think where he wants to be and he'll be there - there will be no need for vehicles, we will be our own vehicles. We will spend our days tending the garden of the earth and learning and gaining knowledge from above.

We are capable of many things, things that we can only dream of at present.

Keep looking for the light; keep learning lessons from above (Higher Sources) and you will be bringing Eden back to the earth. What greater blessing could there be? God is love.

Cleanse yourself of negative energies

I've put the above link here as Energy Rejuvenation Therapies can help in removing negative energies, and much, much more.  Crystals and all sorts of natural healing therapies are available here - give it a try!

Visualize pure, divine light. Feel it wash over you, removing any dark areas that you may have picked up. Visualize yourself bathing in it. It's gentle, but refreshing. Now visualize this light draining away, taking any impurities and negativities with it.

Next, visualize a gold light surrounding you - it's a healing light and it seems to glow- it's arced like a rainbow. Warmth emanates from this gold light, suffusing your whole body. Visualize pink surrounding the gold, now you have pink and gold arcs around you; the pink is for love. You are being healed and surrounded by love.

Thank your ministering angels of light and thank God/Source for the healing and the love.