Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Be Kind and Loving

All the creatures on earth know that Source made them. It was His will that they be created. It was His will that we have dominion. To have dominion does not mean to trample underfoot, or to abuse or use. We were meant to rule for the good of all - each and every creature. We are all interconnected and harming one person or animal harms us all. Our collective awareness has been diminished by cruelty, greed, lust and anger. We must raise it back up so that love runs like a current of electricity through the earth, the waters, and the air.

Once again, love WILL be predominant in the earth and our conscious awareness will be raised to such a level that it will be unthinkable to commit any unkind or cruel act. When we realize how powerful we are, who we are, and where we come from, we realize we do not need to exercise power over another person or animal, we do not need to dominate anyone or anything. What we need is to act in love, in kindness and in truth.

When we get to the core of our being we are nearer to Source. He is ever present. We are a part of Him. He loves all: We can and will love all. Raise the cosmic consciousness by raising your thoughts to a loving, harmonious and joyous pattern and these vibrations will lift the spiritual atmosphere everywhere you go. Work at this and you will have fulfilled a major purpose of your life. This will also affect your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health for the better and, as vibrations and atmospheres around you improve, miracles will happen.

Watch the results of this important spiritual task and thank Source for giving you the power to change things for good.

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