Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cleanse yourself of negative energies

I've put the above link here as Energy Rejuvenation Therapies can help in removing negative energies, and much, much more.  Crystals and all sorts of natural healing therapies are available here - give it a try!

Visualize pure, divine light. Feel it wash over you, removing any dark areas that you may have picked up. Visualize yourself bathing in it. It's gentle, but refreshing. Now visualize this light draining away, taking any impurities and negativities with it.

Next, visualize a gold light surrounding you - it's a healing light and it seems to glow- it's arced like a rainbow. Warmth emanates from this gold light, suffusing your whole body. Visualize pink surrounding the gold, now you have pink and gold arcs around you; the pink is for love. You are being healed and surrounded by love.

Thank your ministering angels of light and thank God/Source for the healing and the love.

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