Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Communication with Source

Prayer and quiet, reflective, study of the word of God/Source - many inspirations can come this way.

Make sure you set some quiet time for yourself each day. Many find that mornings are best, before the distractions of the day begin. As you open yourself up to divine knowledge and power, keep an open mind and write down any revelations you may receive.

Before you meditate, try asking a question of Source and see if the answer comes. If not, go on with your meditation and ask the question again. Sometimes the answer is almost instant and sometimes it will take a few meditations. This is not because Source is unsure of the answer! It could be that you are not yet finely tuned enough to hear the answer, or it could be that Source knows you are not yet ready for the answer. Whatever you get, accept it; accept the first thing you get, even if you don't understand it. You'll learn to discern what's you and what's Source.

Our minds, cleansed with divine light and eager to learn divine knowledge are good places to receive and hold spiritual insight and a diary or notebook will help you to trace your progress along the spiritual path.

Always trust Source, asking for protection and for the highest and best only. Source made us so that we can communication with Him, other people, animals and the whole of nature. We are all one. Your outer life will change for the better as your spiritual self increases in knowledge and wisdom. Source looks forward to communication on a higher level with each one of us and patiently awaits our coming to Him. He loves us all. The creator of the universe; all powerful; all knowing; loves YOU! He gave us all free will and it is up to us what we do with it.

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