Friday, April 16, 2010

Seasons of Life

Seasons are a  blessing to the earth.  Snow falls as a blessing to the earth.  Rain comes as a blessing to the earth.  Sunshine and blue skies are a blessing to the earth.  Autumnal colours, leaves falling from trees bless the trees and bless the earth.  Spring comes at just the right time, bringing blessings to the earth.

Happiness, joy, laughter, tears, sorrow are all seasons in your life.  All are blessings in different ways.  Our lives, the seasons of our lives, match the seasons of the earth.  These cycles of life exist in all areas, that is the natural order of things.  Change is necessary for many reasons.  Our lives change as seasons come and go and we learn from each season.

Never wish for life to be the same every day, you wouldn't like it.  We need change, just as the earth needs change.  The autumns of our lives are different from our springs and rightly so.  We should welcome each new year and never dread growing old.  Think how many things you have learnt in your life, good and  bad.  Don't dread change.  Sometimes we need to move and change our surroundings.  It's always sad to say goodbye and leave familiar people and places.  But, remember them with fondness, they'll always be with you in your heart.  A new home, a new town, a new country: These are things to be enjoyed and savoured as new experiences.  Don't be afraid of change, it's the natural cycle of things.

If you feel it's time to leave a place, a person, a job, a town, ask for confirmation from higher spiritual sources to ensure it's the right thing to do.  As you grow spiritually, you won't have to ask so much as you'll instinctively know if it's the right thing to do.  A new home today, is a cherished and familiar home in a year. 

We are all different in many ways and the same in so many other ways.  Life is an adventure if you let it be so.  Is it time for a career change?  Is it time for a new wardrobe?  Any change will affect you on many levels.  Is it time to let go of sorrow and allow yourself to be happy again?  Only you know the answers to these questions.  Life is full of mysteries, many of which we can solve ourselves.  Sometimes we need a little help.

So, when the snow falls,  don't dread it, look upon it as a signal of change.  A timeless, honourable cycle of events, bringing a time of rest and revival to nature and the earth, a time of replenishment before the heavy growth of spring.

Seasons signal change.  Don't waste your life longing for summer, or autumn, or spring.  Enjoy today's season and, if you need to change something in your life, have the courage to do it, accepting all of its consequences.  Don't be a stagnant pond, be a babbling brook, joyously laughing and flowing onto the next boulder in its path, and rushing over the obstacles in the stream.

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