Friday, April 9, 2010

Meditation Exercise

Visualize and say this: "I attract all good things to me like a magnet."

Visualization can be a powerful tool and you need one that resonates with you personally. One of my visualizations is a cross, as a sword, with a jewelled hilt up at my head and the sword reaching down to the floor in front of me. I use this sword to cut through problems and difficult situations and when I visualize it slicing through problems the solution comes to me. Visualizing a burning cross, or a regular wooden cross, in front of, above, below and to either side of you can provide good protection.

I believe protection should be carried out each morning, for our homes, our loved ones, our pets, our vehicles, our workplaces, and us. You'd be surprised at how many problems just don't happen when you protect yourself - but, of course, you won't know! Negative energies, although deserving of pity, do not deserve your time and energy. Some will be attracted to your light. Avoid interaction with them unless you are highly spiritually evolved. You'll find putting yourself in a protective bubble of divine white light will deter them; some will avoid you and some will be uncomfortable in your presence. Be polite, but do not invite these negative people into your home - most wouldn't be comfortable there anyway as if you are a light seeker your home will be on a higher vibration. Visualize them covered in white light, pray for them to be lifted up and leave Higher Sources to help them.

Focus on goodness and love and light and be aware that some may try to draw you downwards to their level - as you develop spiritually you will be able to discern others intentions. Some are even spiritually aware but are not seekers of the light. Use your best judgement and don't worry about these things - take concerns up to Higher Source and ask for guidance and trust that you will be protected when you've asked Higher Source to protect you.

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