Monday, March 29, 2010

Healing Visualizations

Visualize golden/white healing rays of love and light coming down from heaven and cascading over your head and your whole body. Feel them flood through your mind, through your neck, into your chest, your stomach and abdomen. Feel the rays flowing through your arms and into every fingertip, down your legs and into every toe.

As a child of God/Source, love and light are available to you any time you need them; you just have to visualize them. If you do this visualization often, your body should start to function better and old aches and pains should dissipate with this light and love. God loves you and wants you well. Did Jesus ever refuse to heal anyone? Of course not. God is love. You were created by love and love is your birthright. We all make mistakes - God still loves us. These healing rays of love and light can help to heal your emotions, mind, body and spiritual body. You know if you need to do this visualization or not and how often.

Ask for guidance when you do this visualization and trust your intuition. This visualization should clear blockages and allow your body's energy to flow as it should. Time spent in this way is valuable. You can even visualize this while sitting in the doctor's waiting room, or sitting in traffic, anywhere. You don't have to close your eyes to visualize these rays.

This visualization should help to calm you and help to balance emotions. You are worth the time to do this exercise - you are loved. God/Source wants you well and happy.

Always remember than any serious health problems should be brought to your healthcare professional.

Be at peace and know that you are loved.

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