Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happiness and Abundance

Think about what you want from life to give you happiness. When you think about wealth, know that wealth may ease some problems but it's not the main ingredient. A happy life needs a few good ingredients to make it satisfying and fulfilling, just like a good recipe. If you concentrate on developing your spiritual side and look up to the light and learn, you'll find other aspects of your life will fall into place and you will start to feel happier about things and good things will follow.

Concentrate your thoughts on things that uplift, things that inspire. DO NOT DWELL ON PROBLEMS AND NEEDS or you will keep the problems and needs around you. Believe the universe contains all you'll ever need and trust it to bring it to you. There is no shortage or lack in Heaven. That's the truth. Ask higher sources for ways to visualize abundance and manifest it in your life and ask them to help you succeed in your visualizations and to obtain your goals.

God is love. Lack does not come from love. Love is generous, abundant, kind, warm and giving. Divine light emanates these things - you know that in the core of your being. So, when your outer life does not mirror this, know that you're looking at the wrong thing. Look for, and expect, abundance, love, kindness, and generosity and it will manifest around you and your circumstances will change to mirror what you visualize.

Make sure that you visualize what you want rather than what you don't want. God is love. God loves YOU.

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