Sunday, March 21, 2010

Negative Feelings

You may be frustrated that you can't physically do the things you want to; you may be frustrated that you're not achieving your goals as quickly as you'd like. Take these feelings to the light and ask for guidance in how to achieve what you want. Ask for guidance about how to be physically healthier. All knowledge exists to help you - you only have to ask and receive the answers from above. You'll be surprised at how interested spirit is in helping you with what we may conceive as mundane matters. Everthing's important to spirit because YOU are important to spirit. We are on the earth to experience earthly things, to spread light, to learn and grow spiritually. Spirit is always ready to help - you only have to ask, and listen for the answer.

As you develop a relationship with God, or Source, whatever you conceive Him to be, you will learn to trust Him absolutely and with the trust comes rest and peace. You are not alone: You are one with the universe, part of the complete picture. Spreading light and love affects countless beings by enabling a shift in consciousness, a higher frequency shift. You would be surprised if you could see it, it's real, tangible, but of course, cannot be seen by most people. However, people will feel it, even if it's on a subconscious level.

Have you ever been to someone's home you haven't visited before and noticed a bad, angry, or negative atmosphere? Or a happy atmosphere, where the place is full of love? Feelings have been infused into the atmosphere of that home by the thoughts, words and actions of the people living in it. That's why its so important to imbue your home with love and peace so that you live in an environment conducive to spiritual knowledge, compassion and light. You will then find your days harmonious with the positive energy forces you enlist in your home. If you go out to work, ask for guidance for the best ways to fill your workspace with positive vibrations. Visualizing your work environment filled with light may be all that's needed, but if you have negative or angry work colleagues then you should ask for additional ways of clearing your workspace.

A healthy atmosphere at home and at work will help you to maintain a healthy mind and body. You are loved and are worth spirit's time and effort.

NB: When I talk about 'spirit' this is a generic reference to Higher Source Beings - it could be your higher self, angelic beings, God/Source and our Guardian Angels - remember to listen for the answers to your questions - answers come in many ways - impressions, thoughts, an article we may read.

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