Saturday, March 13, 2010

The importance of words

The world is full of voices, talking, talking, but few have anything important to say. Think about what you're saying, words are important, please don't reduce them to noise.

Words can carry such a weight, a weight of love, a weight of common sense, a weight of enlightenment, a weight of compassion, a weight of knowledge. As you develop spiritually you must become more aware of your words: Things that you say in your everyday interaction with friends, colleagues, relations and pets - they all matter. Don't say whatever comes into your mind. Think before your mouth opens and make sure you're pouring out love, wisdom, joy, and peace so that light goes to whoever or whatever you're speaking to.

Listen to your words. They should never deliberately hurt or upset anyone or anything. Remember, we are not to judge. We are to learn and we are to love. Love inspires people. Kindness always helps! Wisdom brings knowledge. It is not your responsibility to ensure that someone understands what you are saying; that responsibility belongs to the person you are talking to. Your responsibility is to pour love and peace into the world and their responsibility is to receive it.

Do not concern yourself with another's knowledge or abilities - that's the other person's responsibility.

Rest on this truth and trust God: He can speak through you, through intuition and inner guidance. God sees the whole picture. You don't need to see the whole picture. Trust God and emanate love to ALL beings.

Listen to your words.

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