Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Worry - don't do it!

Don't waste time or energy worrying about things. Worry is corrosive and it eats away at your confidence and your happiness and is never productive. Focus on the light and whatever you're concerned about will resolve itself. Shift your focus to possibilities and intuitive thoughts will prompt you to take the action necessary to achieve your goals. Trust your instincts and pray for guidance, and help, in solving whatever situations arise. Listen for the answer, and wait till it comes.

The barriers to receiving answers are of our making: Even if someone is talking to you, you won't hear them if you tune them out or don't listen and it's the same with guidance from higher sources. Quieten your mind and raise your thoughts to a higher level. Ask for Divine protection as you begin to meditate. Ask for guidance on the subject concerning you and listen for the answer. Be aware of feelings coming and words coming into your mind. People 'hear' in different ways. Trust what you receive. You may also receive impulses to do certain things throughout your day. Learn to trust and you'll learn by experience what's from a higher source and what is not. It's a learning experience, there's no shortcut.

Be aware of your emotions and feelings and try to be objective about them. Spiritual progress will take place; some grow faster than others - remember, this is not a race! You must grow at your own pace. Remember, lessons learnt from previous lives can be tapped into as we grow spiritually.

Enjoy the learning process. We are truly wonderful beings with great potential, and the more developed we become the more we can achieve and the more light we can bring into the world. It truly is a privilege to serve, and a joy!

God bless you.

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