Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Thoughts are things and can become reality whether you want them to or not. Listen to your thoughts - what do they tell you? Do they say you're not good enough or that you don't deserve happiness/love/money/success? Thoughts come from your mind. Your mind is a machine that has been programmed through experience and it can be re-programmed with new thoughts. Manifestations of thoughts happen every day. You believe you're going to the store and your actions get you to the store. This works in all areas of your life. Watch yourself, diarize your thoughts and what happens. When you really believe something is going to happen, it will happen, because you'll take guided action to achieve whatever it is that you want to achieve.

If there's something you really want, ask for guidance about the best way to get it. You will receive an answer. But you must take guided action. Daydreaming is creative, but will not become reality until you start to take action to achieve your desire. For instance, do you want a new home? Then start looking for the perfect home for you and your family, start the search, believing things will line up and you may be surprised at the outcome!

Source sends help in many ways: An inspired idea, a person who gives advice, a book you may be reading. Source/God is not limited to divine visions: He deals with the here and now as well as the eternal and He wants us to be happy.

Listen to your inner voice, the inner promptings, and take guided actions to achieve your goals. If you want to cook a meal you have to make sure you have the right ingredients and that the oven works - common sense has been given to us to use. In addition to common sense we have all of God's knowledge available to us, one idea at a time. We are blessed. We should be happy and can be happy.

Always be thankful for what you have. That does not mean you have to settle for less than you want. It means be thankful for what you have and where you are, while reaching for your goal, whatever that may be.

Source loves us - we are loved.

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