Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Light

The light comes in many forms: Sunlight, daylight, electric light, flashlight, candles and spiritual light. Spiritual light comes from within and when discerned can appear as bright as daylight. When we connect to our creator, He brings all goodness to us and it can be overwhelming. His goodness is pure, pure light. It can reveal our own imperfections, but we shouldn't let this make us feel inadequate, that is not the intention. The intention of Higher Source is to love us just as we are. But because we are so loved, it makes us want to be better people and it encourages us to learn more. How can we learn more? Through meditation, going up to the light and absorbing knowledge, and through study and contemplation. Some people disassociate themselves from society because they are on a quest to find out more and more spiritual truth and the world can be a distraction. You don't have to do this, however.

You need to set aside some time each day to reach up towards the truth, and, little by little, you will learn. None of us will learn all there is in one lifetime, but don't concern yourself with that. Each lifetime will provide learning opportunities and your higher self remembers them. Each meditation will provide a learning experience. Some things your outer self will not remember, but your higher self remembers them. Each meditation will provide a learning experience. Your higher self will absorb higher knowledge.

We are wonderfully built and capable of great things. Even a sage on this earth-plane knows only a fraction of what we are capable of doing and being. We are creative beings and those among us who are sensitive and susceptible must protect ourselves spiritually and physically from the destroyers. Trust your instincts. Be guided by your feelings. Don't allow negative or destructive influences to crush your blossoming spiritual flower underfoot. You are responsible for your own protection - seek guidance about this from above. Remove yourself from potential harm. Negative, violent words and images should be avoided. Then, as you get spiritually stronger, negative, violent people will not seek your company and will feel uncomfortable around you.

Focus on the light, not the dark. Keep your eyes above, not below. All will be well. Be safe and know that you are loved by Source.

Be blessed and seek the light.

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