Sunday, March 7, 2010

The importance of thoughts

What do you think about when you wake up? Do you dread the day ahead? If so, then you're setting yourself up for a bad day. When you get out of bed each morning, smile and say 'thank you' for a good day ahead. You'll find that simple action will shift your consciousness and put your mind onto a happier path.

Thoughts turn into things - do you want a bad day? Of course not! So think a happy day into existence. What's our morning routine? Maybe you should put some calming music on while you eat your breakfast. Notice your emotional and mental state as you drive or walk to work - is there a knot in your stomach? Are you going somewhere you don't want to be? If so, try asking for guidance from Source about a career or job change. While you're waiting for the guidance or change to happen, fill your workplace with light. Flood your office and/or work building with light and place a protective halo of golden light around yourself before you get there.

Are there people you feel you 'have to' interact with, who drag you down, or who you feel are spiritually alien to you? Ask yourself if you have to spend time with that person. Maybe, if it's a family member or colleague, you can limit the time you spend with them. Visualize them covered in light. Very often we allow situations and people to pull us down when we don't have to. Ask for guidance from Source about any problem situations or people in your life. Help is available to you. Ask for guidance from above and it will come.

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